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A blurb about me.


Giving an elevator pitch is challenging, especially when it's about yourself!

So, I'll jump to the important stuff.

I married my favorite person on the planet in 2016.  Since then we have had our daughter Emery Jane in 2019. I primarily stay at home with Emery, but I stay busy on the weekends and evenings with photography.

My title as a wife, mom, sister, auntie, and daughter make me enjoy life to the fullest. 

For real, family is a huge part of my life, which plays a significant part in my love for photography.  I have the honor of making sure families never forget all of the special milestones in life.  Gah!  I just love it.


Emery Jane

My hubby, Zach

she's a total goof just like her dad, but she's a mini me with her looks

more about mariah

I'm allergic to gluten,

pineapple, and peanuts

Not only do I love delivering beautiful photos, I always pursue giving people
awesome experiences. 
It's not just about a pretty gallery for me, it's about connecting with people and making them feel their worth.  

Check out my blog to see my recent work!

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